Cant download adobe flash player toshiba vista
Cant download adobe flash player toshiba vista

cant download adobe flash player toshiba vista

The only problem is as soon as i go to load up the messenger main window again from the system tray then it freezes and DEP kicks in and messenger crashes.

cant download adobe flash player toshiba vista

Before the flash player plugin ( was inside a folder called installflashplayer, and now it just unpacks into the current directory. The directory structure inside the flash player archive has changed, is why it is breaking now. it will then run messenger from the sidebar perfectly which will allow you to view contacts (only via the sidebar) and you get all of the normal chat windows etc and full functionalty of webcam etc etc etc. The script downloads the flash player from the Internet and unpacks it. When you are done then close all instances of messenger, load up the sidebar gadget and click on sign-in.


You should find the messenger sidebar gadget and install this to your sidebar. If you are running vista then visit microsoft Sidebar gadgets gallery website - link in the sidebar gadget gallery and search the gadgets for messenger live sidebar gadget. I am stuck and i spent hours on this but i have found a way to continue using messenger without having to use the annoying web messenger!! yay! I tried this link " " but i get an error message saying something about macromedia server and not being able to map the address? I have re-installed messenger 8.1, uninstalled messenger completely and installed messenger 8.0, still no solutions. I have tried everything mentioned in this forum from making sure i have the uptodate version of adobe flash to uninstalling adobe flash, tried again by re-installing adobe flash.

cant download adobe flash player toshiba vista

I have not been so lucky, i have an acer aspire 9301AWSMi and i have also had the exact same problem with DEP crashing messenger,

Cant download adobe flash player toshiba vista